Fees IEP Clinic is a low-cost treatment facility. Patients pay a monthly fee that covers all recommended services as follows: acupuncture up to twice per week; shiatsu up to twice per month; a naturopathic visit about once every three months; and supplements and herbs that are prescribed and come from the IEP pharmacy list. The monthly fee is $150.00, which is about one-third the cost of such services when provided at discount rates elsewhere.
Payment Policy Payment is expected at the time of service. The payment should be made at the beginning of the treatment series and then once per month after that; the payment does not vary on the basis of service utilization (whether you come for frequent treatments or infrequent treatments, come weekly or take short breaks, including vacations). Insurance is not taken as a method of payment for IEP.
Financial Assistance If you are unable to pay the standard monthly fees, you may apply for a fee reduction. See the guidelines below and obtain a financial assistance form to fill out.
Participation Policy We ask that clinic participants make every effort to come to the facility on time for their appointments. If cancellations must be made, please do so as far ahead as possible. Repeated no-shows (not canceling an appointment and not showing up) will lead to termination of your participation. Disruptive activities can be a cause for dismissal from participation at IEP. For additional information about your responsibilities, see the Consent Form.
Financial Assistance Application Details
As a general rule, you will qualify for financial assistance from IEP if you have already applied for and received financial assistance from government agencies, as they have the means of assessing and verifying need that go beyond the capabilities of our organization to do so. We also allow for consideration of financial assistance at IEP in cases where government assistance is not applicable; we consider applications where income is up to about 85% over the amount indicated for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) poverty guidelines (left). So, for a single person, monthly income of up to $1,800 (annual income $22,000) still qualifies. You may still apply if your income is somewhat higher but you believe you will not be able to pay the standard fee.
You might not qualify for financial assistance from IEP under certain circumstances, for example, if you have undertaken discretionary extra spending or if you will be getting treatment from practitioners of alternative medicine who are not offering substantial discounts based on your needs at the same time you are getting treatment at IEP. Along the same lines, you would usually not qualify for assistance from IEP if you have cut back on employment for reasons unrelated to your medical situation, for example, if you have chosen to limit your employment to certain activities because of personal preferences. Finally, if you have a large amount of equity available to you, or you are able to receive adequate funds from supportive relatives or others, then you might not qualify for assistance from IEP. In any case, you may apply if your circumstances point to significant financial limitations.